You’ll always have control and decide whether to stop, change or continue any of the recommendations we make. Our advice process involves the following key steps:
Initial Engagement is the first step in the advice process. This step involves us explaining our services and the process we follow to develop a financial plan, including fees and confidentiality. The initial engagement process enables us to obtain an understanding of your needs and personal circumstances, ensuring that any objectives can be achieved.
Identifying your Goals and Objectives is an extension of the initial engagement process. These discussions explore your short, medium, and longer-term objectives - with consultations focusing on ensuring we understand both your financial and emotional needs. This step serves as a foundation for developing your individualised financial plan.
Preparing a Financial Plan is a formal commitment - and is an integral step in the advice process. On a fixed fee agreement, we will assess the planning objectives you have outlined, obtain information within a financial fact find, and recommend suitable strategies, products, and services, whilst answering any advice questions you have.
Implementation of Recommendations is the step undertaken once you have fully read, understood, and agreed to implement recommendations made within your financial plan. Where appropriate, we will work with professionals such as solicitors and accountants at your direction.
Planning Reviews are a fundamental step in any financial plan and represent an ongoing advice engagement. As your personal circumstances, lifestyle, and financial objectives evolve, the review process adjusts your plans, accommodating for the impact of any changes in legislation, and economic and market conditions - ensuring your financial wellbeing remains on track.